Its been 6 months now, I can hardly believe it! Whats more unbelievable is how long its taken me to start this new blog.
afternoon autumn sun near Dongsi
So much has happened since I arrived in September to start my MA in International Multimedia Journalism, here in Beijing. I wont be able to fit it in one post!
So I will keep updating this blog with a mix of current and past project news.
For now here are a few photos taken back in September that give my first impressions of this ever changing and ever challenging city.
Hairdressers doing an early morning exercise routine below my bedroom window in Dongsishitao. The early morning choreographed routine included hits such as Mariah Kerry's "All I want for Christmas" full blast every day from September till.......well indefinitely
Old Beijing/New Beijing
Mao's portrait above Tiananmen
Graffiti at 798 Art district
bored looking teenager at the gates of the forbidden city. probably being dragged round on one of the popular Chinese cultural tours of the city.